young people’s gi

A cash transfer program providing students in Miami-Dade County with unrestricted, uncondtional weekly allowances beginning in the third grade.

what is the young people’s gi?

GI 305 has received a $1 million commitment to implement The young people’s gi (guaranteed income), a cash transfer program providing weekly allowances to students attending a miami-dade county area school within our eligible zip codes. the program will begin in the third grade, with weekly allowances increasing throughout students’ educational matriculation, ending in their senior year of high school.

The Young People’s GI aims to strengthen the economic justice landscape for young people in Miami-Dade County by equipping students with the tools and knowledge to not only meet their basic needs, but also to achieve agency in their economic choices. We are hopeful that these efforts will lay the foundation for future generations of community members, innovators, and leaders.

We are currently soliciting partners from organizations in Miami-Dade County to implement the Young People’s GI program. GI 305 will select an implementation partner of the Young People’s GI program to complete activities furthering the existence of economic justice within Miami communities.

To learn more about the Young People’s GI, please reach out to